
Video interview on 'Cleaning the neighbourhood: How the EU can scrub out bad energy policy'

Video interview on 'Cleaning the neighbourhood: How the EU can scrub out bad energy policy'

Stephen Tindale
22 April 2015
Stephen Tindale discusses how the EU should not buy electricity from countries with highly-polluting coal power stations in his most recent policy brief.

Video interview on 'Frozen: The politics and economics of sanctions against Russia'

Christian Odendahl, Ian Bond
16 March 2015
Ian Bond and Christian Odendahl discuss Western sanctions against Russia and the findings of their latest policy brief.

Panel discussion on 'Consequences of the Year 2014 for the World Order'

06 March 2015
Ian Bond speaks on the panel, 'Consequences of the Year 2014 for the World Order', in Warsaw in March 2015.

CER/UCL panel discussion on 'Britain & Europe: Pathways to EU reform'

21 January 2015
Panel discussion to launch UCL's 2-year series on Britain & Europe with Wolfgang Blau, Richard Corbett, Deirdre Curtin and Charles Grant.

Video interview on 'Unlocking Europe's capital markets union'

Hugo Dixon
12 December 2014
With Hugo Dixon, editor-at-large Reuters News and the founder of Reuters Breakingviews. 

Video interview on 'What should an energy union cover?'

Nick Butler
11 December 2014
With Nick Butler, visiting professor and chair of the King's Policy Institute at King's College London.

Video interview on international climate negotations

Simon Henry
21 November 2014
Stephen Tindale interviews Simon Henry, chief financial officer of Shell on what his company would like to see agreed in Paris next year.
Stephen Tindale's recent policy brief 'International climate negotiations should focus on money, not targets' can be read here.

Video interview on 'A presence farther east: Can Europe play a strategic role in the Asia-Pacific region?'

Rem Korteweg
25 July 2014
Rem Korteweg discusses his recent policy brief on the Asia-Pacific region.

Video interview on 'The economic consequences of leaving the EU'

John Springford, Simon Tilford
09 June 2014
John Springford and Simon Tilford discuss the final report of the CER commission on the UK and the EU single market.

Video interview on 'The consequences of Brexit for the City of London'

08 May 2014
John Springford talks about his and Philip Whyte's latest policy brief 'The consequences of Brexit for the City of London'.

Video interview on the EU, Russia and Ukraine

14 April 2014
Ian Bond discusses Russian moves in Ukraine, and how the EU and NATO should respond.

Video interview on the way ahead for Ukraine

28 February 2014
Video interview with Ian Bond, director for foreign policy at the CER on the way ahead for Ukraine.

Video interview on 'The Great British trade-off: The impact of leaving the EU on the UK's trade and investment'

John Springford, Simon Tilford
20 January 2014
Simon Tilford and John Springford discuss their latest CER policy brief 'The Great British trade-off: The impact of leaving the EU on the UK's trade and investment'.

Video interview on 'Europe should regulate to promote carbon capture and storage'

Stephen Tindale
30 October 2013
Stephen Tindale discusses his latest CER policy brief 'Europe should regulate to promote carbon capture and storage'.

Video interview on 'China 2025: Regime transition in China?'

22 October 2013
Charles Grant interviewed Minxin Pei, professor of government and the director of the Keck Centre for International and Strategic Studies at Claremont McKenna College.

Video interview on 'How to build a modern European Union'

09 October 2013
Charles Grant discusses his latest CER report which discusses the fact that despite its many achievements, the EU’s institutions and policies are badly in need of an overhaul.

Video interview on 'Is Russia's foreign policy changing?'

Charles Grant, Fyodor Lukyanov
09 October 2013
Charles Grant interviewed Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of Russia in Global Affairs and chairman of the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy, Moscow

Video interview on 'Is immigration a reason for Britain to leave the EU?

01 October 2013
John Springford discusses his latest policy brief on the impact of EU migration on Britain’s economy: 'Is immigration a reason for Britain to leave the EU?'

Video interview on 'The future of Europe's economy: Disaster or deliverance?'

Simon Tilford
18 September 2013
Simon Tilford discusses the CER's latest report 'The future of Europe's economy: Disaster or deliverance?' by Paul De Grauwe, George Magnus, Thomas Mayer and Holger Schmieding.