
UCL policitical science podcast: POLICY AND PRACTICE - Was Brexit a British aberration?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 October 2020
Vernon Bogdanor’s latest book, Britain and Europe in a Troubled World, considers the motivations which lay behind Brexit, and asks how widespread they are in the rest of Europe. 

BBC News: Brexit negotiations

Sam Lowe
15 October 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC News about the Brexit negotiations and the conclusions of the European Council. 

Euranet Plus: Migration pact: EU lawmakers ask for greater clarity

Camino Mortera-Martinez
07 October 2020
Camino Mortera-Martinez, of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, shares the view that the Commission’s proposal does not address the issue of the countries of first arrival. But reinforced cooperation is not appropriate in this case, the researcher says.

BBC Business Daily: Final countdown for a Brexit trade deal

02 October 2020
"From the EU's point of view they undoubtedly fear, post-Brexit, a very hyper-competitive UK that is slashing rules and regulations, subsidising high-tech industries and pulling investment in that would have otherwise gone to the EU, it fears the UK running a very different economic model" Charles Grant, director of the...

The Warcast: No-Deal Brexit: Implications for Ireland and European Security

Daniel Keohane
01 October 2020
Daniel Keohane, an associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform and the author of the recent report, “A terrible border is reborn? Ireland and a no-deal Brexit”, joins the Warcast to discuss the implications of the Internal Market Bill for security in Ireland and UK-EU security ties.

Good Morning Scotland: Kent lorry checks

26 September 2020
John Springford, deputy director of the CER spoke to Good Morning Scotland about the likelihood of a UK-EU trade deal, as well as how trade might be impacted by the plan around Kent and potential hold-ups for freight (from 32:06).

Russia 1: Brexit developments

18 September 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Russia 1 about developments around Brexit: the introduction of the Internal Market Bill, the next stage of negotiations with Brussels and the perspective of a new trade agreement between the UK and the EU (from 3:20 mins).

Channel 4 News: EU threatens to take UK government to court over proposed changes to Brexit deal

10 September 2020
"The real weapon of torture is the lack of a trade agreement, the economic impact on Britain,

BBC Parliament: Wales and Brexit Committee

Sam Lowe
03 September 2020
Coverage of a Welsh Affairs Committee session taking evidence on the implications of Brexit for trade in Wales, with witnesses including Mujtaba Rahman of the Eurasia Group, Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform and Shanker Singham of Competere.

IIEA: What next for Belarus?

31 August 2020
In his webinar presentation to the IIEA, Charles Grant, director of the CER reflects on the widespread demonstrations and strike actions across Belarus which have greeted Alexander Lukashenko’s contested re-election as President, an office he has held since 1994.

TRT World Newsmaker: Belarus' opposition uprising

20 August 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to TRT about the current situation in Belarus.

Sky News: Post-Brexit talks between the UK and the European Union are still ongoing as deal has not yet been made

Sam Lowe
22 July 2020
“I don’t think we should rule out that there will be a trade agreement...we should take statements released with five months to go suggesting...talks have broken down with a pinch of salt", Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Refor tells Sky News.

BBC Newsnight: Frictonless borders in Ireland

Sam Lowe
14 July 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the CER told Newsnight, "What we do know is that good exiting Great Britain and going to Northern Ireland there will be customs declarations for products of animal origin and inspections and document checks entering Northern Ireland"

Studio Berlin: Will Germany’s EU Council Presidency move Europe forward?

Christian Odendahl
24 June 2020
Chancellor Angela Merkel and her cabinet today are discussing what to do when Germany takes the helm of the EU Council on July 1.

Parliament Live: Trade Bill Committee

Sam Lowe
18 June 2020
Sam Lowe, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Reform gave evidence on the trade bill via telephone to the Trade Bill Committee (from 12:10).

BBC News: French Resistance anniversary

18 June 2020
“We should remember that of the 27 member-states negotiating with Britain, the French are...the ones always pushing for a very hard line on Brexit...

Progressive Governance: Economists leaders panel - Will austerity return? Economic policy post-Covid19

Christian Odendahl
18 June 2020
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform joined Megan Greene, and Adam Tooze to discuss economic policy post-COVID-19 at the Progressive Governance, digital summit 2020.

BBC PM: The future of trade deals

Sam Lowe
17 June 2020
Sam Low a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC PM about the UK’s trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand and its proposed accession to the CPTPP (from 07.55 mins).

Inforadio: Senkung der Mehrwertsteuer kann Konsum-Motor sein

Christian Odendahl
12 June 2020
Das Bundeskabinett hat bis zum Jahresende die Absenkung der Mehrwertsteuer beschlossen. Ökonom Christian Odendahl vom Centre for European Reform in London begrüßt den Entschluss, da alle Bürgerinnen in etwa gleich davon profitieren.

Parliament Live: Future relationship with the European Union Committee

Sam Lowe
10 June 2020
Sam Lowe, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Reform along with Professor Catherine Barnard, Professor of EU law and Employment Law, University of Cambridge and Dr Anna Jerzewska, PhD, Independent Customs and Trade Consultant UN International Trade Centre gave evidence on the progress of the negotiations on the UK’s future relationship with the EU.