Ian Bond
Ian Bond
Deputy director
Areas of expertise
Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.
Annual report 2014
02 February 2015
Charles Grant discusses three challenges facing the EU in 2015: the combined problems of Russia and Ukraine; the continuing fragility of the eurozone; and the growing risk of Brexit.
Ukraine after the elections: Democracy and the barrel of a gun
27 November 2014
Ukraine’s elections were good news, but there is plenty of bad: political, economic and military.
Hungary and the West: We need to talk about Viktor
26 November 2014
Hungary under Viktor Orban is backsliding on democratic values. Member-states need to look for ways to bring Orban back into liberal European mainstream.
The challenge to the West: Restoring European deterrence
03 September 2014
With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, deterrence in Europe has broken down. The EU and NATO must show resolve if they are to restore it.
Dealing with Russia: Law, jaw and war
08 August 2014
The EU should be ready to take more steps against Russia, and help defend Ukraine – but also talk directly to Putin to try to change his mind.
EU enlargement
31 July 2014
A number of member-states are unenthusiastic about further EU enlargement, but has the EU grown as much as it is going to?
Three things for NATO to think about
29 July 2014
NATO’s summit in September should decide what to do, with whom and how. Russia’s new-style warfare in Ukraine should make the alliance think.
Russia's gas deal with China: Business is business
25 June 2014
Russia's gas deal with China helps Beijing more than Moscow. It should also encourage the EU to reduce its energy dependence on Russia.
Devolution in Ukraine: Panacea or Pandora's Box?
23 May 2014
The West and Russia both support devolution in Ukraine. But unless Ukraine first makes central government work, increased local powers will make things worse.
The EU and Russia: Uncommon spaces
16 April 2014
The House of Lords has published a report on the EU and Russia, incorporating recommendations from this 2014 policy brief - a good guide to a troubled relationship.
Russia is challenging the EU’s values and interests, above all in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus. The Union has struggled...
Russia is challenging the EU’s values and interests, above all in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus. The Union has struggled...