Review of the balance of competences between the UK and the EU
In the articles below, the CER offers its input for the review of the balance of competences between the UK and the EU. The papers deal with various elements of EU policy and countries of EU interest.
Each article addresses the most important questions the UK government asked:
- How does the EU add value in each area?
- What are the (dis)advantages of working through the EU?
- Would a different division of EU and member-state competence on the topic produce a more effective policy?
- How might the national interest be served by UK action through different institutions?
The articles cover single market, energy, climate change, development, and foreign policy. Some areas are more integrated than others, and in each paper, the CER has offered its view on where EU competence works well and where it does not; recommended reforms that would make the union more effective; and assessed the political impediments to reform and how they might be overcome. The articles are not detailed pieces of research, but offer an overview of CER thinking in each area.