Britain & the EU

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BBC News - Business daily: Brexit talks continue ahead of likely deal

24 December 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Business Daily about the ongoing Brexit talks.

Bloomberg - European Close: Brexit and the recovery fund

11 December 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Bloomberg about the recovery fund resolution and his fears that Europe will struggle to fill Angela Merkel's role as mediator when she stands down next year.

Channel 4 News: Boris Johnson in direct talks with EU as deadline looms

08 December 2020
"The British still seem to think that if only they can talk to Merkel or Macron the governments can lean on that silly Mr Barnier to be more flexible, when in fact it's the governments that are pushing Mr Barnier to be less flexible in many ways,

Sky News: Brexit talks - EU sources say UK and EU have made "significant progress"

Sam Lowe
07 December 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Sky News about the ongoing Brexit talks (from 06.32am).

ABC: EU and Brexit - the view from the Continent

Camino Mortera-Martinez
15 November 2020
Camino Mortera-Martinez, a senior research fellow at the CER spoke to ABC as the UK is just weeks away from the EU exit door.

France Culture: Brexit, Covid : un Royaume désuni

17 October 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Christine Ockrent about the current impasse Brexit impasse, "in my opinion, I believe Boris Johnson needs a deal" he said (from 3:10 mins).

UCL policitical science podcast: POLICY AND PRACTICE - Was Brexit a British aberration?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 October 2020
Vernon Bogdanor’s latest book, Britain and Europe in a Troubled World, considers the motivations which lay behind Brexit, and asks how widespread they are in the rest of Europe. 

BBC Business Daily: Final countdown for a Brexit trade deal

02 October 2020
"From the EU's point of view they undoubtedly fear, post-Brexit, a very hyper-competitive UK that is slashing rules and regulations, subsidising high-tech industries and pulling investment in that would have otherwise gone to the EU, it fears the UK running a very different economic model" Charles Grant, director of the...

The Warcast: No-Deal Brexit: Implications for Ireland and European Security

Daniel Keohane
01 October 2020
Daniel Keohane, an associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform and the author of the recent report, “A terrible border is reborn? Ireland and a no-deal Brexit”, joins the Warcast to discuss the implications of the Internal Market Bill for security in Ireland and UK-EU security ties.

'Brexit' y los rebeldes de Johnson: La vida sigue igual

Camino Mortera-Martinez
16 September 2020
El Periodico
El 'brexit' ha cambiado las reglas del tiempo y el espacio, de forma que las unidades de medida por las que nos regimos el resto de los mortales no parecen aplicarse a los políticos británicos.

CER podcast: Are the Brexit negotiations doomed to fail?

Charles Grant, Sam Lowe
04 March 2020
The EU and the UK have now published their objectives outlining what they want a future EU-UK partnership to look like. There is much headline disagreement, but is there a landing zone in sight? Charles Grant and Sam Lowe discuss.

Polskie Radio: Opublikowano mandaty negocjacyjne w sprawie umowy handlowej między Unią Europejską a Wielką Brytanią

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 February 2020
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Polskie Radio about the EU and UK negotiating mandates.

Business needs a transition period with the EU

Sam Lowe
19 February 2020
The Telegraph
From the EU’s perspective, there is a political argument to be made that Brexit should be seen to hurt.

Bloomberg Westminster: Wales under water

17 February 2020
Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price joins us from flood-hit Pontypridd where he says many of those affected are still in a state of shock. He calls for hardship support for the large number of people who have lost everything and are uninsured. Plus, Charles Grant director of the Centre for...

British services have played second fiddle in the Brexit debate

Sam Lowe
11 February 2020
The UK in a Changing Europe
In 2018, services accounted for 46 per cent of UK exports, or £297 billion. The EU received 40 per cent of British services exports, and was the origin of 48 per cent of British services imports, the highest proportion of any UK trading partner.

How the EU can survive Brexit

05 February 2020
The New Statesman
There are tensions between Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel – but unless France and Germany can work together the bloc will fragment.

Channel 4 News: A new year, a new government: So what now for Brexit Britain?

Sam Lowe
19 December 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow a the Centre for European Reform spoke to Matt Frei today after hearing a Queen’s Speech dominated by Brexit – a done deal says the Government – by the end of January next year.

Bloomberg: CER's Springford: Court judgementmakes deal harder for Johnson

25 September 2019
Boris Johnson’s authority has been badly damaged by the Supreme Court verdict, according to John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, and that makes EU leaders less likely to make concessions in the negotiations. He tells Daybreak Europe’s Nejra Cehic and Roger Hearing an extension beyond October 31 to get a deal from Brussels is now a bit more likely.

Channel 4 podcast: Politics: Where Next? - How likely is a Brexit deal?

20 September 2019
Deal or No Deal? Boris Johnson's search for a Brexit deal has intensified. 

Channel 4 News: Battle of Conservative prime ministers in Parliament suspension case

19 September 2019
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Gary Gibbon about the ongoing Brexit discussions between Brussels and the UK 'the British need to make a serious offer'.