EU treaties & institutions

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European arrest warrant: The case for opting in

Charles Grant
06 November 2014
The Telegraph
Britain's top legal figures warn that MPs must opt in to the European Arrest Warrant as there is 'no credible alternative'.

Herman’s handbook for the new Council President

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 August 2014
Despite a reputation for having the “charisma of a damp rag”, as Nigel Farage once put it, Van Rompuy made European Council meetings more efficient and his successor should learn a lot from him, writes Agata Gostyńska.

Could Donald Tusk use EU top job for anti-climate agenda?

Stephen Tindale
29 August 2014
Responding to Climate Change (RTCC)
Despite his pro-coal domestic agenda, Polish PM might not be a bad choice for European Council president.

Pilen peger på selvbevidst polak

Af Jakob Ussing og Jesper Thobo-Carlsen
28 August 2014
Favorit. Inden de sidste forhandlinger beskrives Polens Donald Tusk som favorit til jobbet som rådsformand for EU. Helle Thorning-Schmidt er blandt outsiderne.

Brussels is needed to clean up Britain’s air

Stephen Tindale
06 August 2014
The ENDS Report
European co-operation is necessary to improve air quality. Pollution does not stop at national frontiers. And setting environmental standards at national level would undermine the single market.

Time for Labour to lead on clean air

Stephen Tindale
11 July 2014
Fabian Society
Air pollution kills 29,000 people every year in the UK, according to Public Health England. So clean air ought to be a political priority. But it isn’t.
Fortunately, those nasty Brussels bureaucrats are trying to protect public health. In December 2013 the European Commission proposed stricter air quality standards, based...

La probabilité d’une sortie de l’Union du Royaume-Uni a augmenté

02 July 2014
Challenges Fr
Interview avec Charles Grant, directeur du think-tank Centre for european reform, estime que le Royaume-Uni pourrait quitter l'Union européenne.

Cameron is not the only leader who should fear a British exit

26 June 2014
Financial Times
The British leader has time to prevent a calamity of his own making. Unless David Cameron changes course, the prime minister’s plans to reform the EU and persuade the British to vote to stay in it seem likely to fail.

Juncker als Kommissionspräsident: Gefährlicher Griff nach der Macht (with English translation)

03 June 2014
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Das Europaparlament will Jean-Claude Juncker als Kommissionspräsidenten durchdrücken - eine gefährliche Idee! Es würde die Briten aus der EU drängen. Wenn Premierminister Cameron das sagt, klingt das nach Erpressung, aber es ist die Wahrheit. Ein Gastbeitrag.

Pour une mise à jour du récit européen

Stephen Tindale
14 May 2014
Le Temps
Stephen Tindale, membre du Centre for European Reform basé à Londres, un think tank pro-européen mais critique, donne des pistes pour redonner du souffle au projet européen, miné par la crise et la perte de confiance

Was bringt QE in Europa?

Mark Schieritz
30 April 2014
Die Zeit
Ich habe hier die These vertreten, dass die EZB keine unkonventionellen Maßnahmen beschließen wird. Was aber, wenn doch? Christian Odendahl vom CER hat sich angeschaut, was Quantitative Easing für die Euro-Zone bedeuten würde. Ergebnis: Nicht allzu viel. Odendahl diskutiert zwei Wirkungskanäle, über die Anleihekäufe Produktion und Inflation beeinflussen können....

L'influence du parlement européen inquiète les Britanniques

22 December 2013
La Croix
"Il n’est pas bon que la Commission européenne soit si impopulaire" Charles Grant, directeur du Centre for European Reform à Londres.

Building a modern European Union: What's wrong and how to fix it

21 November 2013
On Thursday, November 21, 2013, the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) hosted a roundtable discussion with Charles Grant, the founder and director of the Centre for European Reform on the current state of the European Union.

EU needs an overhaul

17 October 2013
European Voice
All across Europe, people are fed up with the European Union. The eurozone's difficulties explain much of the disenchantment.

It's time for European governments to embrace a real reform agenda for the EU

14 October 2013
LSE blog
Hugo Brady writes that rather than attempting to negotiate the re-nationalisation of EU powers to Westminster, he and other European leaders should consider some practical, feasible reforms that the Union can begin to implement immediately.

Video interview on 'How to build a modern European Union'

09 October 2013
Charles Grant discusses his latest CER report which discusses the fact that despite its many achievements, the EU’s institutions and policies are badly in need of an overhaul.

Video interview on 'How to improve legitimacy by involving national parliaments in the EU'

12 June 2013
Charles Grant discusses how part of the answer to improve EU legitimacy is to give national parliamentarians a bigger role in the EU.

How to reduce the EU's democratic deficit

10 June 2013
The Guardian
The European Union has long suffered from a lack of legitimacy, but the euro crisis has worsened the problem. There is no silver bullet that can suddenly make the EU respected, admired or even popular among many Europeans.

The EU's Court of Auditors: Europe's sleeping giant?

28 May 2013
Veteran EU watchers consider the Union's budget as unreformable: a ritualistic doling out of public money into the pockets of farmers, MEP's expense accounts and the salaries of EU officials.

The Brussels backroom deal that will live in infamy

Hugo Brady, Jan Techau
01 April 2013
Carnegie Europe
The decision to establish a third official seat of the European Parliament (EP) in Dresden, quietly announced on Friday afternoon, when most observers and journalists had already left Brussels to head home for Easter, is a classic example of EU horse-trading. It is also epitomises everything that is wrong with Brussels.