Global governance & international security

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Ask CER - Episode 4: Phasing out Russian gas, UK-EU relations and Hungary's response to the war

Elisabetta Cornago, Ian Bond, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Rosie Giorgi
30 March 2022
You asked, we answered: the fourth episode of our ‘Ask CER’ podcast series.

No triumph for Putin on Victory Day

11 May 2020
A few weeks ago, Vladimir Putin was expecting Victory Day on May 9th to cap an excellent start to 2020.

Predictable unpredictability: The future of euro-atlantic security?

27 September 2018
Riga Dialogue
A participant in this year’s Riga Dialogue began his presentation by saying that Russia was now more predictable than the US or the EU. It was designed to be provocative, but it was an accurate reflection of reality.
Unpredictability has become an important risk factor in the Euro-Atlantic area. Two of...

CER podcast: Strategic co-operation and competition in the Arctic

Sophia Besch, Elisabeth Braw, Ethan Corbin
01 June 2017
Recording at the CER's Arctic Bridge Summit in Finland, Sophia Besch talks to Elisabeth Braw and Ethan Corbin about security challenges in the Arctic and how Russia and Europe could co-operate in the region.

Between Russia and the EU, Eastern Europe's future is uncertain

22 March 2017
The Moscow Times
Eastern Europe, dotted with frozen conflicts of Russia’s making, is stuck in transition to an uncertain future.

"Из Вашингтона трудно заблокировать доступ России к SWIFT": интервью с британским экспертом Бондом

28 October 2016
Директор по внешней политике лондонского Центра европейских реформ (CER) Ян Бонд рассказал о расширении санкций против РФ, последствиях референдума в Британии и Нидерландах, перспективах суда по MH17 и проблемах внутри ЕС.

Judy Asks: Should the West impose more sanctions on Russia?

19 October 2016
Carnegie Europe
The statement on Syria by the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council on October 17 was full of strong rhetoric and empty of substance.
The global case for staying in the EU

The global case for staying in the EU

19 February 2016
The New Statesman
Brexit would be bad not just for Britain but also for Europe and the rest of the world.

Taking security seriously in the age of global terror

Camino Mortera-Martinez
22 December 2015
The Wall Street Journal
As terrorists slip across borders and hide on the Internet, Europe and America must learn to share intelligence better.

Iran nuclear deal: After the nuclear deal, Iran is our "frenemy"

Rem Korteweg
17 July 2015
City A.M
Tuesday’s agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme is a momentous achievement, but only if it can be enforced and verified. Following the diplomatic deal in Vienna, Western governments should engage with Tehran, but also help to contain Iran’s growing influence in the region. 
While Tehran celebrates the upcoming removal of international sanctions,...

Latvian Public Broadcasting: В Риге открываетса саммит "Восточного партнерства"

21 May 2015
Ian Bond speaks to Latvian Public Broadcasting about his low expectations of the Riga Summit (2:18).
В Ригу уже прибыли практически все лидеры. Помимо представителей стран восточного партнёрства, это и главы стран Евросоюза, включая президента Франции Француа Олланда, канцлера Германии Ангелы Меркель и премьера Великобритании Дэвида Кэмерона. Мы выходим на прямую связь с нашим корреспондентом Викторией Терентьевой.

Panel discussion on 'Consequences of the Year 2014 for the World Order'

06 March 2015
Ian Bond speaks on the panel, 'Consequences of the Year 2014 for the World Order', in Warsaw in March 2015.

Plenty of crime but no punishment for Putin

03 September 2014
The Moscow Times
It seems that President Vladimir Putin would like to go down in history as an extraordinary man, who restored Russia to greatness. Unfortunately, his intervention in Ukraine risks making him the Raskolnikov of international relations.

Russia and the West's dangerous clash: Time for NATO & EU expansion East?

Ian Bond, Denis Corboy, William Courtney and Kenneth Yalowitz
30 July 2014
The National Interest
The EU and America are centre stage in devising sanctions on Russia, yet NATO has so far left the Ukraine out in the cold. NATO needs to define a bolder vision for security interests closer to Europe at the upcoming summit in Wales.

Video interview on 'A presence farther east: Can Europe play a strategic role in the Asia-Pacific region?'

Rem Korteweg
25 July 2014
Rem Korteweg discusses his recent policy brief on the Asia-Pacific region.

Judy Asks: Should America spy on its allies?

16 July 2014
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

Pour une mise à jour du récit européen

Stephen Tindale
14 May 2014
Le Temps
Stephen Tindale, membre du Centre for European Reform basé à Londres, un think tank pro-européen mais critique, donne des pistes pour redonner du souffle au projet européen, miné par la crise et la perte de confiance

Will Assad deliver for Putin?

Rem Korteweg, Judy Dempsey
18 September 2013
Carnegie Europe
Following a Russian initiative, Moscow and Washington have reached an agreement that calls for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by mid-2014.

The vulnerability of elites: Geopolitical risk in 2013

GAC members
21 January 2013
Global Agenda Council
Categorising the major themes, risks, opportunities, and wild cards—based on discussions of the Global Agenda Council on Geopolitical Risk in Dubai, November 2012.
GAC members: Ahn Ho-Young, Katinka Barysch, Ian Bremmer (GAC chair), John Chipman, Tina Fordham, Sumit Ganguly, Jin Canrong, Wadah Khanfar, Nader Mousavizadeh, Moisés Naím, Yoshiji Nogami, Volker Perthes, Douglas A....

Let Russia show the way on Syria

Edward Burke
11 June 2012
The New York Times
Like him or loathe him over his stance on Syria, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, is a better diplomat than most. Experience counts, and Lavrov has spent almost three decades at the United Nations. As a former senior Soviet diplomat and Russia’s permanent representative to the Security Council in the...
